Why winner? Because it is in the cheap category! I do not buy super pricey lip balms beause 1) they are expensive (obviously) 2) might do nothing for my lips 3) prefer to spend money on foundation and/or eye makeup.
So far my everyday balm was Labello. Several types of the brand, but I did not lke the feeling some gave me....My super dry lips cried for hydration and no matter how many times I feeded it with Labello, it was like a greasy layer on my lips against environment, and chapped skin underneath. So I got fed up!
I also had affairs with some cheapest-of-the-cheap-drugstore lip balms, which were horrible and I found my HG balm in the body of an AVON lip balm (with shea butter and vitamin E), but it's discontinued I think....at least here it is. I emptied that tube a month ago, so I had to find a substitute.
I had no intention to buy this Neutrogena, but once standing by the drugstore cashier I saw this running on sale for about $2.5 (usually it's $4 or so) screaming SPF20! I just had to throw it into my basket at the last minute. And now I'm happy I did!
It's waaaaaaay better than Labello! Beat me coz I'm comparing only these two!
So, there's no more "greasy layer"! It reaches the deeper parts of my lips and I have these soft, hydrated lips that want to chuuuu~ everyone! LOL
Neutrogena Lip Care SPF 20 gives immediate and lasting relief for dry, chapped lips. This moisture-rich formula soothes and improves the appearance and softness of your lips, whilst providing long lasting protecton from all weather (SPF20). Apply often for immediate relif and protection. Dermatologist tested.
SPF20 is a must for the lips! You know, they need protection too! Even in the cold winter. I wonder how it will guar from the drying -10 Celsius degree.